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Mocha Moms, Inc. to Meet at the White House

More than 150 leaders of Mocha Moms, Inc., the national non-profit organization that supports at-home mothers of color, will visit The White House on Feb. 16 for a Moms Briefing with Obama administration officials and celebrity mothers as part of the administration's celebration of National African American History Month. Mothers will hear a full briefing from officials representing a wide range of departments and agencies, including EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson, Obama's cabinet official in charge of environmental protection. Mocha Moms, Inc. National President Kuae Mattox will moderate the discussion and open the floor to questions on everything from motherhood and work-life balance to health and education.

More than 350 Mocha Moms and their families will return on Feb 17 for a tour of The White House East Wing. The unique two-day opportunity is a historic milestone for the grassroots organization, which was founded in 1997 by four mothers in Maryland, and continues to support the changing needs of mothers of color in the workplace and at home.

"Our mothers are working hard to raise their children with strong values and a firm educational foundation while making important decisions about their own lives that will affect their families," says Kuae Mattox, national president of Mocha Moms, Inc. "We are thrilled to have the opportunity to hear, up close and personal, how this administration is addressing some of the issues that matter most to us."

President Obama recently issued a proclamation in honor of African American History Month paying special tribute to African American Women. In announcing this month's theme, "Black Women in History and Culture", Obama makes special mention of the nameless African-American women who are the backbone of many communities, saying African-American women are preparing the "next generation for the world they will inherit."

Mocha Moms in chapters across the country are supporting each other during this season in their lives and actively engaged in a wide range of community service, including mentoring students, hosting educational summits, financial forums and healthy moms symposiums, and setting up reading nooks in barbershops and beauty shops throughout the country as part of the groundbreaking national initiative Boys Booked on Barbershops.

About Mocha Moms
Mocha Moms, Inc. was founded in 1997 by four mothers of color in Maryland who saw the need for a growing segment of stay at home mothers of color to connect and support each other. Today, the national, non-profit organization has 100 chapters and more than 3,000 members in 29 states throughout the country, as well as partnerships with such organizations as the America's Promise Alliance, the Black Women's Health Imperative, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Be The Match (formerly the National Marrow Donor Program) and Donate Life America. The primary mission of Mocha Moms, Inc. is to support and encourage women of color who are making parenting a priority in this season in their lives. Its platform includes strengthening marriages and families, promoting self-care, strong educational foundations and volunteerism.

Mocha Moms, Inc. welcomes people of all genders, religions, races, educational backgrounds, and income levels. Anyone who supports the mission of Mocha Moms, Inc. is welcome to join. Mocha Moms, Inc. has been featured on NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams, ABC's Nightline, Good Morning America and The Oprah Winfrey Show, as well as in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, Essence, Ebony and JET.


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