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FLOTUS and Beyonce

Prayer group calls for distance between the two.

First Lady Michelle Obama and her daughters spent part of their Memorial Day weekend in Atlantic City watching their friend, Beyonce, perform at Revel Resorts.

It was reported that the girls sang along to Beyonce's songs.  Mrs. Obama has such a close bond with the famed pop star that last week she was quoted saying if she could be like anyone she would be like Beyonce.

Some may view the first lady's relationship, and fascination, with Beyonce as harmless; others, not so much.

One group is asking that the first lady, and her daughters, distance themselves from the star. 

In a press statement issued today the Pray At The Pump Movement (PAPM), headed by Rocky Twyman, suggests Michelle Obama is driving up the national debt by endorsing Beyonce's seductive moves that "contribute to unwanted pregnancies" that cause unwed moms to rely on government assistance.

"As the presidential polls tighten, Mrs. Obama would do well to distance herself from Beyonce who is helping to run up the deficit of the United States as more young girls influenced by her actions produce babies for taxpayers to support", writes Twyman.

Read the 'unsubstantiated' claims of the PAPM below, at your own risk.



(Call for a boycott of Beyonce's concerts that encourage immorality among young girls and that are driving up the country's child support bills and thereby increasing the budget deficit of the US)

The press was abuzz with the dazzling concert of Beyonce who is returning to the performance world after a new baby.

The Pray at the Pump Movement is so tired of seeing Michelle Obama at Beyonce concerts with her daughters. In our opinion, this superstar is a poor example for our inner city youth. She virtually mocks God when she gets up and thanks Him at awards ceremonies. We refuse to believe that God is pleased with the half naked appearance of a woman who was raised in a conservative black church in Houston, but does not follow the principles of Biblical purity and chastity.

Her suggestive dances encourage young inner city girls to dress scantily and thereby encourage sexual acts at young ages. Many times, these young girls end up with unwanted pregnancies that we the tax payers provide child support for many years. Yes, Beyonce is directly adding to the country's deficit while she and her rapper husband pocket millions at the expense of the innocence of our youth. We should make her pay extra taxes for the abuse of her God given talents. WE WILL BE ANXIOUS TO SEE IF HER BABY GIRL DRESSES LIKE HER WHEN SHE GROWS UP.

The PAPM has been critical of the Obama administration's policies, and also calls out the rich for not doing more to help those less fortunate.

"The fortune of these two brings us to another point. What are they doing with their wealth to uplift the community? They make millions but we contend that the amount they give back to the community is small compared to THEIR LARGE FAN GENERATED FORTUNES. We were absolutely appalled that so much money was spent at the birth of their baby in New York to ensure privacy. The money spent could have been used to help the large number of the unemployed and hungry in New York who are suffering while Beyonce shakes her booty on stage. Then, there was a million dollars spent on toys for a child who will outgrow them in a years's time. Meanwhile, many children in New York are homeless and do not know where their next meal is coming from."

"Concerned parents and minority citizens should rise up and end this terrible saga", writes Twyman.
"Mrs. Obama is appearing at these concerts at her own political peril.  We pray that this will be her last public appearance with Beyonce.   Boycott Beyonce concerts until they clean up their act and give more back to the community."

The Obamas have long claimed they don't let their girls watch TV shows like 'Keeping Up With the Kardashians, but do allow their daughters to watch shows like iCarly.

Do the claims of Twyman and his group have any merit?  Or are their views a bit much? 

Should First Lady Obama distance herself from Beyonce and associate with more positive role models for young girls, as the group suggests?  Or is her association with Beyonce simply harmless, friendly fun and entertainment?
What say you?


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