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President Biden’s Executive Order to Enhance Effective, Accountable Policing and Criminal Justice Practices Garners Applause, says White House

Civil Rights Advocates, Law Enforcement, and Leaders Across the Country Applaud President Biden’s Executive Order to Enhance Effective, Accountable Policing and Criminal Justice Practices

Two years ago, the murder of George Floyd exposed for many what Black and Brown communities have long known and experienced—that we must do more to ensure that our Nation lives up to its founding promise of fair and impartial justice for all under the law. The murder sparked one of the largest social movements this country has ever seen, with calls from all corners to acknowledge the challenges in our criminal justice system and in our institutions more broadly.
The President strongly supported the House-passed George Floyd Justice in Policing Act and repeatedly urged the Senate to pass meaningful police reform legislation that includes accountability when law enforcement officers violate their oaths. Unfortunately, Senate Republicans rejected enacting even modest reforms that many in law enforcement supported. As the President said then, this moment demands action, and he promised would take executive action on police reform.

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Today, President Biden makes good on that commitment by signing a historic executive order (EO) to advance effective, accountable policing and criminal justice practices that will build public trust and strengthen public safety. This executive order will make a concrete and major impact – not just for Black and Brown communities, but indeed for all Americans, including for law enforcement – the guardians of our communities.

Families who have lost loved ones in encounters with police, civil rights leaders, major law enforcement organizations, and elected officials applauded the President’s executive order. Here’s what they are saying:
Families Who Have Lost Loved Ones in Police Encounters
National Civil Rights Attorney Ben Crump, George Floyd Family, and Legal Team: “On behalf of George Floyd’s family and the families of other victims of police violence, we extend our gratitude to President Biden for using the power of his office to impose meaningful federal police reform through an executive order. While this action does not have the long-term impact that we had hoped for with the passage of the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, it does represent incremental progress, and we need to commit ourselves to making progress every day because the safety of our children is worth the fight. This order will help ensure that officers with a track record of violence are identified so they don’t move from venue to venue. It will help to roll back the militarization of police. It restricts use of chokeholds and no-knock warrants by federal law enforcement and imposes use of force standards at the federal level. This is a start that should serve as a model for law enforcement everywhere. We urge President Biden to hold the Attorney General accountable to implement these changes quickly. And, given that most police violence against people of color occurs at the hands of local law enforcement, we need to see similar changes embraced by America’s 18,000 local law enforcement agencies. We thank President Biden for this meaningful step, and we urge him to use every lever he has to push for similar reforms to be adopted in every state and municipality in the country.” [Statement, 5/25/22]

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Ben Crump, Attorney for the Family of George Floyd: “BREAKING: @POTUS signed an executive order on police reform. Among other changes, this order rolls back the militarization of police, restricts the use of chokeholds and no-knock warrants by federal law enforcement, and imposes use of force standards at the federal level.” [Tweet, 5/25/22]
Law Enforcement
International Association of Chiefs of Police and Fraternal Order of Police: For months the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) have been engaged in extensive discussions with the Administration in good faith to develop the Executive Order on Advancing Effective, Accountable Policing and Criminal Justice Practices to Enhance Public Trust and Public Safety. We applaud the Administration for listening to our constructive feedback and incorporating our suggestions into the Executive Order. Our organizations, which represent our nation’s chiefs and the majority of rank-and-file officers, believe that it marks a significant step in our continuing efforts to strengthen the trust of the public in police and the criminal justice system. [Statement, 5/25/22]
Major Cities Chiefs Association: “Today, President Biden will sign an Executive Order to advance effective, accountable policing and strengthen public safety. Police reform and public safety are not mutually exclusive and MCCA member departments demonstrate this reality every day as their officers protect and serve while abiding by professional law enforcement practices that are fair, equitable, transparent, and procedurally just. The Executive Order will build upon this work by promoting accountability and best practices throughout the law enforcement profession and will enable law enforcement to take the enforcement action that is necessary to decrease violent crime. The Administration extensively consulted the MCCA while developing this Executive Order, and the MCCA greatly appreciates that a significant portion of our technical assistance was incorporated into the final product.” [Statement, 5/25/22]
Frederick L. Thomas, President, The National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives: The National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE) supports President Joe Biden’s executive order signed today – the second anniversary of George Floyd’s death – promoting police reform and creating a registry of law enforcement officers fired for misconduct. The order is also expected to have a significant impact on state and local police, tightening restrictions on chokeholds and no-knock warrants. Biden said this executive order will deliver “the most significant police reform in decades.” It is NOBLE’s opinion that the executive order demonstrates the administration’s ongoing commitment to comprehensive law enforcement reforms and equal protection under the law for all Americans even in the absence of congressional action. Since the death of George Floyd, NOBLE has supported the call for immediate action and accountability to protect our communities and delivering meaningful police reform. This executive order is critical to restoring public trust that has been breached. “The cries for justice, accountability, and law enforcement reform resounded loudly but unfortunately were not heard with the same vigor that tribalism and political polarization seem to engender within our national leaders,” said NOBLE National President Frederick L. Thomas, who was at the White House for the signing. “President Biden’s Executive Order reminds NOBLE of the hopes and dreams that were displayed the summer of 2020 that went unfulfilled and many communities unheard and frustrated. This is a first crucial step as we call for change on a federal level. NOBLE hopes that this executive order encourages state and local police to make every effort to make gains in the law enforcement arena that both address issues of crime and needs of our nation.” [Statement, 5/25/22]

Larry Cosme, President, Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association: The EO is a “national role model for all law enforcement around the country. We’ve engaged in hundreds of hours of discussions, and this can inspire people in the state and local departments to say: ‘This is what we need to do.’” [Quote, Washington Post, 5/25/22]
Chuck Wexler, Executive Director, Police Executive Research Forum: “The White House did significant outreach with us and tried to listen to our concerns. This final executive order is substantively different from the original version, and that’s made a big difference to many of us in law enforcement.” [Quote, New York Times, 5/24/22]
Civil Rights Leaders and Advocacy Organizations
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People: “The NAACP commends efforts by the Biden Administration in this week's Executive Order on Police Reform. The timing of this announcement with the anniversary of George Floyd's murder is a reminder that policing in America is uneven when it intersects with Black America. The Executive Order is a good step forward. Policies outlined by the Biden Administration are needed to ensure alignment on use-of-force policies across the country and to tighten restrictions on practices like chokeholds and the use of no-knock warrants that have resulted in the death of Black Americans. Although these policies are needed, the NAACP remains focused on ensuring that policing is centered on public safety. To that end, we call upon the U.S. Senate to address core elements that continue needing reform: an end to qualified immunity, resources for implicit bias training, and community-based alternatives that aid in mental health crisis response. All too often, Black Americans have been most impacted by the misalignment of policies that create incentives for police misconduct. As midterm elections approach, the NAACP and its two million members will continue to monitor policing within our communities to ensure that federal, state, and local elected officials respond to the public safety needs of Black Americans.” [Statement, 5/24/22]
Rev. Al Sharpton, Founder and President, National Action Network: “Tomorrow’s executive order is an important step toward dealing with the issues of accountability and public safety. We are glad President Biden took the initiative as we waited two years to see a national response to an egregious act. George Floyd woke us up, and we should not go back to sleep. The failure of the Senate to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act is still something that we will never give up on. But an executive order will give us a step toward federal legislation and will set a tone in this nation that no one is above the law – and that no one in our society or those charged to protect society to have the knees on our necks.” [Statement, 5/25/22]
Janai Nelson, President and Director-Counsel, NAACP Legal Defense Fund: ““The Executive Order issued by the Biden Administration today is an important step toward addressing police accountability – including the development of a law enforcement accountability database, limits on chokeholds and carotid restraints, restrictions on no-knock entries and limits on the transfers of military equipment to law enforcement agencies. The Order also includes the promotion of several promising initiatives that may encourage significant shifts toward a new vision of public safety, such as a nationwide study by the Department of Health and Human Services on the physical, mental, and public health impacts of law enforcement violence on communities, and identifying resources to address these impacts. Similarly, an interagency endeavor required by the Order which seeks to promote alternatives to arrests and incarceration, restorative justice practices, as well as alternative responders, has the potential to reduce criminalization. The measure is critical in light of the United States’ record of mass incarceration that reflects the highest rate of incarceration in the world and the disproportionate bias that Black people face at every step in the criminal legal system, from policing onward. This Executive Order is necessary because of the failure of the United States Senate to advance meaningful legislation to address police accountability and transform public safety. We commend President Biden for helping to fill this void of leadership in the Senate by using his executive powers. We also commend the many advocates, protesters, activists and families of victims of police violence whose unrelenting demand for change compelled this action. Much more can and must be done at the federal, state, and local levels to enact needed measures of accountability and advance equitable systems of safety, particularly in Black and Brown communities that are underserved and over-policed.” [Statement, 5/25/22]
Sherrilyn Ifill, President and Director-Counsel Emeritus: “I appreciate @POTUS Biden for using the powers he has to sign today’s Executive Order & for being explicit abt the need for legislation. Those of us who worked so hard on the #GeorgeFloyd Justice in Policing Act will not stop pushing to end qualified immunity for police.” [Tweet, 5/25/22]
Marc Morial, President and CEO, National Urban League: “National Urban League President and CEO Marc H. Morial today called President Biden’s executive order on policing a necessary step forward and urged state and federal lawmakers to build on the order to achieve comprehensive reform. The order incorporates several elements of 21 Pillars for Redefining Public Safety and Restoring Community Trust, the National Urban League’s own plan for enhancing public safety and restoring trust between communities and law enforcement. “While a limited executive order is no substitute for the broad federal legislation we have sought, it represents a measure of meaningful change and a critical acknowledgement of the pervasive systemic racism that has shattered the trust between police and communities of color,” Morial said. The tragedy of George Floyd’s murder highlighted gross inequities in policing and our justice system. However, in the absence of comprehensive legislative action, in the two years since the murder police have killed more than 2,000 people in the United States – even more in 2021 than in 2020. Black Americans remain nearly three times as likely as whites to be killed by police.  President Biden’s directive to build a diverse, inclusive, and expert workforce among federal law enforcement agencies – consistent with 21 Pillars – is critical to reversing both the violence and the disparity. “Social parity, economic empowerment, and civil rights cannot be achieved in a world of unjust policing,” Morial said. “Today’s executive order, guided by the principles outlined in 21 Pillars, can be the basis for safer, more effective and community-centered law enforcement across the nation.” [Statement, 5/25/22]
Damon Hewitt, President and Executive Director, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law: “@POTUS’ executive order on police accountability is a historic first step to protect Black communities. As @DamonTHewitt said, “this sets not a ceiling, but a new floor.” It’s time for elected leaders at every level to take action for Black lives.” [Tweet, 5/25/22]
Maya Wiley, President of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights: “#POTUS asks Gianna Floyd, daughter of #GeorgeFloyd to come and sit at the desk where he signed his Executive Order on police accountability and it is impossible not to ache with the pain of loss and appreciate the strength of the families who have fought for this!” [Tweet, 5/25/22]
Melanie Campbell, President and CEO, National Coalition on Black Civic Participation (NCBCP) and Convener of the Black Women’s Roundtable: “As we observe the second anniversary of the death of George Floyd at the hands of a racist police officer in Minnesota, I want to thank President Biden for using his power of Executive Authority to bolster police accountability in this nation. The order, which will create national accreditation standards, a database for problem officers and incentives to ban chokeholds and no-knock warrants, is a tremendous first step in protecting all citizens, but especially those of color. These efforts will enhance public trust and strengthen public safety. The National Coalition on Black Civic Participation and Black Women’s Roundtable also actively supports and encourages the President to continue his fight for the eventual passage of the ‘George Floyd Justice in Policing Act.’ Only then will we begin to truly feel safe in our own communities.” [Statement, 5/25/22]
Udi Ofer, Deputy National Political Director, American Civil Liberties Union: "Today marks the two-year anniversary of the police murder of George Floyd. This tragedy galvanized the nation to take to the streets to protest police violence and racism. That movement continues today and is still seeking a new vision for public safety in America, one that rejects racism and toxic policing.  We commend President Biden for taking much-needed action on police reform. This executive order takes an important and necessary step forward in light of Congress’ failure to act on police reform – but it is only a first step. Proper implementation of this order will be vital for its success. Words on paper alone will not end police violence. More
Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC: “Today's Executive Order provides important steps forward at a time when community safety is as urgent as ever. We appreciate the Biden Administration's actions, and at the same time recognize that passing legislation is critical to achieving the long-term systemic change needed.” [Tweet, 5/25/22]
Curt Decker, Executive Director, The National Disability Rights Network: “The National Disability Rights Network applauds the Biden Administration’s Executive Order on policing which comes two years after the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis.  The Executive Order is an important move toward helping ensure safer communities while also holding law enforcement, the people entrusted with our safety, accountable for their actions. In the absence of Congressional action to address police accountability and police brutality against people with disabilities, people of color, immigrants, refugees, members of the LGBT community, and members of every religious group, this action by the Administration is more important than ever. ‘We applaud the President and his Administration for taking this important first step toward grappling with our nation’s legacy of police violence while also trying to keep our communities safer,’ said NDRN Executive Director Curt Decker. ‘Police brutality and accountability is a disability rights issue. A countless number of people with disabilities have lost their lives at the hands of the police. The time to address this is long overdue and this Executive Order demonstrates a clear commitment from the highest levels of government toward creating a nation that is safe for all,’ continued Decker. While the Executive Order is much needed, it unfortunately will only move us so far toward achieving a lasting solution to police brutality. The Senate’s continued failure to take up meaningful police reform legislation is a hindrance to the progress needed which can only be achieved through legislation. We again call on the Senate to take up the police reform legislation passed by the House. In the interim, NDRN will continue to work with the many civil rights groups who share our values of community and inclusion for all and with the Administration to help implement this historic Executive Order. [Statement, 5/25/22]
American Constitution Society: “Good news that President Biden's EO creates a central database for tracking police misconduct, bans chokeholds (although not entirely, they can be used when deadly force is authorized), creates new limits on use of force, and other positive steps. However... (1/2) The EO only applies to federal law enforcement, while the vast majority of law enforcement exist at the state and local level. Meaning, Congress must reform the filibuster and pass meaningful policing standards that apply to state and local law enforcement. (2/2)” [Tweets, 5/25/22]
Members of Congress
New Jersey Senator Cory Booker: “I’ve been working closely with this administration for months to advance policing reform and I applaud President Biden for taking action with this executive order. It will enhance accountability, improve transparency, and raise policing standards in an effort to help end the horrific incidents of violence that we often witness, like the murder of George Floyd. That the families of those impacted by police violence, law enforcement groups representing our nation’s officers, and civil rights groups are standing with the Administration in solidarity to embrace this executive order shows that positive change is possible. Federal action was and is still urgently needed. Across the United States, there is a deficit of trust between law enforcement and the communities they are sworn to protect – particularly Black and Brown communities. And discriminatory policing and excessive and deadly force used against Black and Brown people feeds into that. Properly honoring the lives of the victims of this violence means taking concrete steps now to prevent it from occurring in the future. While an executive order alone cannot right every wrong, today’s announcement is a step forward and, I hope, a catalyst for further change. Congress must embrace this moment and act to pass legislation, and I will not stop fighting until we achieve change that restores trust in our communities, improves policing, and better protects public safety.” [Statement, 5/25/22]
California Congresswoman Karen Bass: “I successfully led the passage of the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act twice in the House of Representatives, but both times it stalled in the Senate. I refuse to take no for an answer. I believe that change will always find a way – and today is evidence of that. When the Senate failed to act, @SenBooker and I went to the President and asked him to act. We worked closely with the White House and came up with an executive order that will help bring transparency and accountability to law enforcement. Today, on the second anniversary of the murder of George Floyd, I'll be at the White House with President Biden as he signs this historic executive order. This is about public trust and public safety in our communities. We can have safety and justice at the same time.” [Tweets, 5/25/22]
Colorado Senator Michael Bennet: “@POTUS’s actions today take a step forward, but there’s more Congress must do to ensure no one is denied justice or their own life because of what they look like. We can get there if we join together and recommit to justice & equal protection for all.” [Tweet, 5/25/22]
Majority Leader Steny Hoyer: “I was glad to hear of President Biden’s executive order today promoting law enforcement accountability while enhancing recruitment and retention and supporting officers who serve honorably.” [Statement, 5/25/22]
Majority Whip Jim Clyburn: This EO is the first step of many needed to protect communities by improving policing and holding bad actors accountable. @TheBlackCaucus and @HouseDemocrats will continue the fight to send the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act to the President's desk. [Tweet, 5/25/22]
House Judiciary Committee Chairman, New York Congressman Jerry Nadler: “This is a much-needed and well-thought-through move by President Biden,” said Chairman Nadler. “Almost two years ago, the Judiciary Committee passed the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act which included many of the provisions that are listed in this Executive Order. Unlike our Republican colleagues in the Senate, President Biden has made it clear he will not allow the momentum of police reform to fizzle out. This Order is an exceptional step in the right direction, and while there is more work to be done, I am thrilled to have an ally like President Biden in this fight.” [Statement, 5/25/22]
House Education and Labor Committee Chairman, Virginia Congressman Bobby Scott: ““Americans from all walks of life took to the streets after the senseless murder of George Floyd to protest police brutality and demand accountability, transparency, and reform to our justice system,” said Congressman Bobby Scott (VA-03). “That is why I was very grateful to see President Biden mark this solemn anniversary of Mr. Floyd’s murder with action. The President’s executive order seeks to improve public trust between communities and law enforcement with enhanced transparency and accountability measures. An important part of achieving this goal is comprehensive data collection of use of force and deaths in custody. Nearly eight years after Congress passed my reauthorization of the Death in Custody Reporting Act, I am very pleased to see President Biden’s executive order call for its full implementation so that the American people can finally have accurate data on the number of deaths that occur in police custody and in our jails and prisons. This data will be critical to policymakers at the local, state, and federal level to enact initiatives to reduce incidences of avoidable deaths in our justice system and to identify problematic law enforcement agencies.” [Statement, 5/25/22]
Congressional Black Caucus Chair Joyce Beatty: “Today, on the second anniversary of George Floyd's murder, I will lead @TheBlackCaucus to the White House as @POTUS signs a historic executive order to combat police brutality. This is progress, and a meaningful next step on our march to nationwide policing reform. (1/2) This order comes after countless hours of consultation between the CBC and the Administration, and we are confident this will begin to bring Americans transparency and accountability without sacrificing justice or safety. (2/2)” [Tweets, 5/25/22]
Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair Pramila Jayapal: “Two years ago today, the country watched George Floyd’s murder by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin. Before he was a globally recognized name, he was a father, friend, brother, and son. On this painful anniversary, our thoughts are first and foremost with his family and community. We thank the Floyd family for sharing George’s memory with the world, including with the honor of their presence at today’s signing ceremony. President Biden has taken a very important step today to increase police accountability by executive order. In particular, the President's order addresses the policing asks from our Progressive Caucus Executive Action Agenda: to collect and publish data on the use of force in police departments across the country; to establish strict national standards governing the use of force; and to demilitarize law enforcement by preventing the transfer of certain excess military-grade weaponry to federal, tribal, state, and local police. We applaud the Biden administration for this executive order, and the Progressive Caucus stands ready to work in partnership to ensure these actions are implemented in a manner that maximizes their impact. [Statement, 5/25/22]
New Jersey Congressman and Co-Chair of the Congressional Law Enforcement Caucus Bill Pascrell: “For our nation to truly be united, we must mend frayed trust between our communities and the law enforcement departments that serve them. This landmark action by the Biden White House will strengthen community policing across the board by improving training and guidelines for federal law enforcement officers, promoting transparency and accountability measures to address misconduct, and centering federal use of force policies around de-escalation. I thank the Biden administration for working closely with a range of stakeholders, including myself, to develop this order that has the support of both local community and law enforcement leaders. The chorus of support in favor of this package of reforms demonstrates that leaders at the local, state, and national levels are working together here.” [Statement, 5/25/22]
Florida Congresswoman Val Demings: Today, Rep. Val Demings (FL-10) commented on a new federal police initiative that would provide additional funding to police departments to implement programs supported by police and communities which would help keep officers and communities safe. Rep. Demings was the first female Chief of Police of Orlando, Florida. Said Rep. Demings, “Today’s announcement will have three clear effects: more resources for law enforcement, greater coordinated response to quality-of-life issues, and commitment and accountability for all. As a 27-year law enforcement officer, these are steps in the right direction. “Today’s effort takes good ideas from legislation I’ve led in Congress, including officer mental health support, increased grant funding, and community and officer accountability. These measures are common sense, which is why both law enforcement organizations and victims’ families stood in support. “The overwhelming majority of men and women in law enforcement are good, decent people who work every day to keep us safe. Today’s initiatives will increase transparency and accountability and refocus America’s police on their core mission: to fight crime and protect our communities from those who work to do us harm.” [Statement, 5/25/22]
Texas Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee: “After more than a decade of serving as a member of the House Judiciary Committee and working to reform policing in America, I am grateful for the collaboration of all the stakeholders from civil rights advocates and groups to families who lost loved ones, and representatives of law enforcement agencies and officers, who have come together to bring about the creation of the President’s Executive Order. I am reminded of the Law Enforcement Trust and Integrity Act and End Racial Profiling Act, anti-bias legislation, laying the groundwork for passing that bill into law, and the legislation of many other members of Congress that are included in the Order. Today’s anniversary serves as a painful reminder of why the President’s action today is necessary. This is the right step at the right time.” [Statement, 5/25/22]
Michigan Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence: “Today marks two years since George Floyd, an unarmed Black man, was murdered by a police officer. His death sparked a movement across the world, and the American people were calling for real, actionable change. While there’s nothing we can do to bring back George Floyd or the countless other Black and Brown Americans whose lives were taken due to police violence and brutality, President Biden’s executive order is a step in the right direction toward police reform. This EO increases police accountability, bans the use of chokeholds, improves public safety, and so much more. President Biden listens and acts, and I’m grateful for his leadership. As we applaud this historic EO, let’s not forget that we still have work to do to fully reform our criminal justice system.” [Statement, 5/25/22]
Illinois Congresswoman Lauren Underwood: “Today marks the second anniversary of the murder of George Floyd. His life mattered.  I will honor his memory, and so many others who have lost their lives, by supporting legislation that ensures accountable policing and keeps communities safe. The executive order @POTUS plans to sign is an important step toward advancing effective, accountable policing, prioritizing equity, and improving public safety in our country. There’s much more work to be done to meaningfully address the many inequities in health, education, economic opportunity, justice, and safety that Black people in our country have faced, and I will work tirelessly to support policies that end these disparities.” [Tweets, 5/25/22]
Missouri Congresswoman Cori Bush: “I commend President Biden for taking the long overdue step of enhancing transparency and ensuring greater accountability in the American policing system. While today’s executive order is not exhaustive and much more needs to be done, we know that it will help save lives. In the two years since millions of us took to the streets in the largest racial justice protests of our generation demanding justice for George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, the House has twice passed legislation aimed at holding law enforcement accountable for abuse and misconduct. And twice the Senate failed to pass it. All the while police killings have reached record highs in this country. All the while St. Louis continues to lead the nation in police killings per capita. All the while, the demands of families and communities affected by police violence have gone unanswered. Today’s executive order is a positive step in the right direction, and it represents an inflection point in our collective struggle for justice and accountability.” [Statement, 5/25/22]
Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar: “I want to thank President Biden for taking steps in addressing the demands of criminal justice advocates this week, including a national database of police misconduct, strict limits on the use of chokeholds and anti-bias training.” [Tweet, 5/25/22]
Minnesota Congresswoman Angie Craig: “Two years ago, George Floyd was murdered in MN. I'm glad to see @POTUS honor his memory by working toward a more just law enforcement system and supporting our police officers so that they can protect public safety in our communities. We must do both.” [Tweet, 5/25/22]
Pennsylvania Congressman Dwight Evans: On the 2-year anniversary of the murder of #GeorgeFloyd, I want to acknowledge the ACTION @POTUS has taken to advance accountable policing. Today’s executive action by @POTUS represents real progress. But there is much more that must be done. @HouseDemocrats understand this, and we have also taken action! I voted for the George Floyd #JusticeInPolicing Act, which would: Ban chokeholds; End the use of no-knock warrants; End the transfer of made-for-war weapons to local police departments It’s time for the Senate to ACT! [Tweet, 5/25/22]
California Congresswoman Sara Jacobs: “George Floyd was murdered two years ago – a tragedy that followed centuries of injustice. Today, President Biden announced a new Executive Order to promote accountability and reform federal law enforcement practices.” [Tweet, 5/25/22]
Pennsylvania Congressman Mike Doyle: “Today, 2 years after George Floyd's murder, @POTUS signed an executive order to promote accountable policing & criminal justice practices that build public trust & strengthen public safety. It promotes accountability, increases transparency, & reforms the criminal justice system.” [Tweet, 5/25/22]
California Congressman Tony Cardenas: “Two years after the murder of George Floyd, we still have a long way to go to fix our broken police system. Thank you, President Biden, for taking a step towards a better future for our communities today.” [Tweet, 5/25/22]
New York Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney: “As we mark two years since George Floyd's murder, a moment of silence isn't enough to honor his memory. We need solutions. That’s why the House passed legislation to reform policing and, today, @POTUS signed an Executive Order to implement many of those reforms.” [Tweet, 5/25/22]
Pennsylvania Congressman Mike Doyle: “Today, 2 years after George Floyd's murder, @POTUS signed an executive order to promote accountable policing & criminal justice practices that build public trust & strengthen public safety. It promotes accountability, increases transparency, & reforms the criminal justice system.” [Tweet, 5/25/22]
New Mexico Congresswoman Melanie Stansbury: “Two years ago, as the world grappled with the murder of George Floyd, our nation committed to passing meaningful police reform. Yet today, the Senate still has not summoned the political will to act. I'm grateful for @POTUS's administrative actions today as the work continues.” [Tweet, 5/25/22]
Minnesota Congresswoman Betty McCollum: “I applaud President Biden’s executive order directing all federal agencies to revise their use-of-force policies and creating a national registry of officers fired for misconduct. [Statement, 5/25/22]
Washington Congressman Adam Smith: “Two years ago George Floyd was murdered on the streets of Minneapolis when a police officer knelt on his neck and he couldn't breathe - and the world watched in horror. In the aftermath, waves of protests calling for reform to our justice system took place across the country. Today @POTUS signed an Executive Order that will promote accountability within law enforcement, reform the standards for use of force and deadly force tactics, improve law enforcement systems and training, and strengthen transparency and oversight of use of force incidents. AND the Executive Order will create a new committee tasked with producing a government-wide strategic plan to advance front-end diversion, alternatives to incarceration, rehabilitation, and reentry to reform our broader criminal justice system. The tragic murder of George Floyd cannot be forgotten. Congress must work together to advance legislation that creates meaningful change within our policing system so that every person feels safe in their community. Until that day, I commend @POTUS for taking this important step.” [Tweet, 5/25/22]
State and Local Officials
Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro: “Today marks two years since the murder of George Floyd under the knee of a now-convicted former police officer in the streets of Minneapolis. I'm encouraged by the Biden Administration’s steps to further the national effort on police reforms, as law enforcement and community leaders did hand-in-hand here in Pennsylvania in the wake of Mr. Floyd’s murder.” [Tweet, 5/25/22]
Acting New Jersey Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin: “Honored to join @POTUS at the White House today, the two-year anniversary of George Floyd's murder, for the signing of an Executive Order on police reform.” [Tweet, 5/25/22]
Speaker of the Maryland House of Delegates Adrienne Jones: “Since George Floyd’s death, Maryland has led some of the most transformational police reforms in the country. It’s great to see a national approach to improving public safety, and there’s always more work to do. If we can reform policing, we can reform our gun laws.” [Tweet, 5/25/22]
Texas State Representative Carl O. Sherman: “Today I join @POTUS at the @WhiteHouse for the signing of an executive order designed to address police accountability; specifically, the use of force and body cameras.” [Tweet, 5/25/22]
Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott: “Grateful for @POTUS taking a meaningful step forward to address police misconduct and accountability. There is still more to do in order for Black and Brown communities across our country to feel safe, protected, and served within our law enforcement and criminal justice systems.” [Tweet, 5/25/22]
National League of Cities: “NLC supports President Biden’s Executive Order (EO) to increase accountability in federal law enforcement and provide additional federal tools such as guidance on best practices, training and technical assistance, and grantmaking to support reforms at State, Tribal, local, and territorial law enforcement agencies. Many of the policies outlined in the EO are also included in NLC’s resolution on the Use of Force by Law Enforcement Officers, including implementing and improving racial bias and de-escalation training; improving mental health and wellness services to law enforcement officers; and establishing a national database of decertified officers that local governments can use to vet officers who have been dismissed for such issues as unnecessary or excessive use of force, abuse of power, racial discrimination, and violation of individual’s civil rights.” [Statement, 5/25/22]
Tom Cochran, CEO and Executive Director, United States Conference of Mayors Today, on the second anniversary of George Floyd’s murder, President Biden announced an executive order to reform policing in America. In it, he directs federal agencies to revise their use-of-force policies, create a national registry of officers fired for misconduct, use grants to encourage state and local police to tighten restrictions on chokeholds and no-knock warrants, and restrict the transfer of most military equipment to law enforcement agencies. Many of these actions are in line with those that the U.S Conference of Mayors (USCM) has championed in its plan for police reform and racial justice. Welcoming the order, Tom Cochran, CEO and Executive Director of the USCM, released the following statement: “We thank the president for his leadership on this important issue. America’s mayors know that we must reset the relationship between our police and residents, and that we can only do so by advancing policing practices that respect and protect human life and ensure safety for all. These measures will help. They’ll improve policing in America, and many of them mirror the very proposals suggested by the United States Conference of Mayors in our 2020 report produced by our police reform and racial justice working group. “America’s cities and mayors know that reform and public safety are not mutually exclusive—and that inaction is unacceptable. Until we reckon with the failures of our current system, especially for communities of color, until we recognize how those failures have spawned dangerous divides between police and communities, until we make a real effort for change, we cannot improve public safety. “It’s time to renew the compact between people and the police and to restore trust and accountability, and the president’s executive order is a vital step in that direction.” [Statement, 5/25/22]
Faith Leaders
Joan F. Neal, Deputy Executive Director and Chief Equity Officer, NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice: “Today’s executive order is a welcome start toward achieving the long-denied justice due to George Floyd and other victims of police violence. We are grateful for this action, and remain committed to working to dismantle white supremacy in policing by ending practices that allow law enforcement officers to murder or maim Black people with impunity. People of faith have a duty to demand the end of state-sanctioned violence and the systemic white supremacy from which it stems. Failure to act would be an abdication of our moral and civic duty and a blatant disregard for the humanity of Black lives. We urge Congress to immediately pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act (H.R.1280) to continue the critical work of making permanent, robust policing reforms that provide the guidance, support, and accountability U.S. law enforcement needs to protect and serve every person equally, regardless of their race.” [Statement, 5/25/22]
Mary J. Novak, Executive Director, NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice: “President Biden’s Executive Order is an important and historic first step in the direction of justice in policing. This executive order will move federal law enforcement agencies toward increased accountability, transparency and fairness. We affirm the importance of creating concrete systems to hold federal police accountable to the communities they are sworn to protect and serve. We applaud President Biden’s efforts to ban chokeholds, restrict no-knock entries, restrict the transfer of most military equipment to law enforcement agencies and to incentivize state and local officers to do the same. The time is long overdue for reforms that hold law enforcement accountable and responsible for protecting and serving everyone in society equally. Today’s actions from the Biden-Harris administration are significant first steps toward modernizing and standardizing police practices and accountability throughout the United States and I urge Congress to continue this vital work.“ [Statement, 5/25/22]
Rev. Adam Russell Taylor, President, Sojourners: “The Executive Order on Accountable Policing, which @POTUS will sign today is an important step toward strengthening police accountability, but it is no substitute for the federal legislation and state and local leadership we so desperately need to truly transform policing.” [Tweet, 5/25/22]


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